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Diners enjoy a meal at long tables set up outdoor at the base of a mountain


Our programs are here to elevate Canada’s tourism industry and ensure we are becoming an even more competitive global destination.


Destination Canada’s 2030 Tourism Strategy

A hiker looks down at a river from a hill crest

Our new tourism strategy, A World of Opportunity, stands as a roadmap to transform the way tourism is experienced, expanded, promoted and measured in this country.

TED@Destination Canada

Destination Canada and TEDExternal Link Title collaborated to create TED@DestinationCanada, producing 14 TED Talks from the brightest speakers and biggest changemakers connected to Canada.

Canada Specialist Program

Joggers running along the Stanley Park seawall

A one-stop resource for Travel Advisors to learn about destinations across Canada, providing the tools and information needed to sell Canada.

Tourism Corridor Strategy Program

Boats moored in a harbour in Nova Scotia

Destination Canada's Tourism Corridor Strategy Program aims to accelerate the intentional development of tourism corridors or clusters of tourism assets across Canada.

International Convention Attraction Fund

Three people looking out at a glass with views of Vancouver's mountains

The International Convention Attraction Fund (ICAF) supports bids by Canadian cities to host major international conventions in Canada.